For the Record


Call them crazy, call them insane, call them demented, call them mad, call them deranged, call them Democrats, call them Communists, call them whatever you want, but know and understand that these are precisely the people who control this country. Also know and understand that these people do not understand the concept of truth.

In my more than 80 years, I’ve never seen anything nearly as bad as our current state of affairs.

Things didn’t get bad overnight and they didn’t get this bad solely because of Joe Biden. They did get much worse recently and they did get much worse because of old Joe, but he’s far from the only bad guy on the scene.

I wrote a column for the Unterrified Democrat for some 20 years. In that time I wrote a number of columns about Robert Samuelson, a former columnist for the Washington Post who frequently pointed out some of the glaring mistakes we were making. Samuelson bemoaned the fact we were disarming ourselves as a nation. Samuelson was a good guy and what he said was very important, but he himself feels his writings made very little difference in the course our nation has taken. That is truly sad.

Another guy I liked to write about is former U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Gingrich came very close to saving this country from itself. He knew we would spend ourselves into insolvency if we didn’t have a constitutional amendment that required a balanced federal budget. Gingrich got that amendment passed in the House by a wide margin. But in the Senate it failed by one vote. One more vote and our national debt would be $5 trillion rather than $35 trillion.

In coming weeks I’ll be running some of those old columns. I think you’ll find them informative and I hope you enjoy them.