187 results total, viewing 1 - 20
I n 1962, when he was 51, Ronald Reagan announced that he was no longer voting Democrat but would now be a Republican. He frequently said that he didn’t leave the Democratic party; it left him. … more
Every August, thousands of Missourians converge upon Sedalia for 11 days of food, fun and fellowship during the Missouri State Fair. The Missouri Farm Bureau building is always a hotbed of activity, … more
Even though I haven’t voted for a Democrat in this century (did many times before), I wasn’t one of those who called them communists. It seemed like overkill. Naive, yes. … more
Before you read this, the dove season will have opened. Dove hunting is fairly easy, and it isn’t high on my list of things to do, but I will do it anyway, because I am a grizzled old veteran … more
Two hunters who were members of a hunting lodge in a western state have died from Cruetzfeldt-Jacobs disease, which they apparently got from eating venison from a CWD prion-infested deer. But you … more
L abor Day became an official holiday in the United States in 1884. It honors the American labor movement, which built this country with blood, sweat, and tears and made America great. With Labor Day … more
If you have the ambition to get away from the air conditioning and get your body acclimated to summer, find an isolated section of Ozark river where canoe rental people do not operate, and plan a … more
T he phrase Trojan Horse comes to us from Greek mythology. The story is mentioned briefly in the Odyssey, an epic poem attributed to Homer from the 8th or 7th century BC. The poem was first published … more
Spring and summer seem to be battling for dominance over the 7th month of the year. Small groups of cool bright days took us back to May then hot humid day reminds us it is July or is it August. … more
The raid of the Marion (Kansas) County Record newsroom occurred just over a year ago. At the time, the newspaper world was shaken. When asked if he thought this was a harbinger of things to … more
A year and a day after an unprecedented raid on Marion County Record , former Marion Police Chief Gideon Cody formally was charged Aug. 12, 2024, with interference with judicial process. The … more
Stand for the Silent, an organization helping to stop bullying, is helping to make schools safer OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., — Increasingly, people consider their child’s safety at school, … more
T here is an old proverb, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”  According to Wikipedia, the exact origin of this saying is “unknown, and several variations exist. … more
Dennis Whiteside, my long-time friend whom I have hunted and fished with since our college days, sent me a message about ten days ago. It went on and on about how good the fishing was about to … more
The Founding Fathers’ vision of an independent judiciary system is rooted in the U.S. Constitution and the lifetime appointment of Supreme Court Justices. Centuries ago, this principle was … more
I spent a couple of days last week down in Arkansas White River country, ending up all the way down in Mt. View, restocking some my outdoor books. While at Mt View I stopped in a woodcarvers shop and … more
In case you missed it, athletes competing at the Olympic Games in Paris, France, are crying foul about the lack of meat-based protein options in the Olympic Village. “Disaster” is … more
BELLE — Most people in the area know me, or at least recognize the name, much like we all do with each other. That’s one of the reasons I love Belle. We know each other and we care. We … more
Well, here we go again. We say goodbye to spring; not that we can tell the difference with all these hot days. The sisters are gathering again to celebrate being sisters. The month of June we gathered at the home of Mary Jo Crider. A day in the country is a treat for me. Even though I live in Wardsville with a small meadow lined with trees ... more
With the August election approaching, I want to take a minute and go through the two constitutional amendments that have been put on the August ballot. While voters may only vote for nominees on the party ballot they requested, all Missourians, regardless of party, ... more
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