Letters to the Editor
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Hello Maries County, I would like to take a moment to update you on what we have accomplished one month into office. Since taking office, I have been busy recovering and accounting for all … more
I went out on one of those 30-something-temperature mornings, and I wondered why in the world was I complaining about those hot days in September. I guess there is just no pleasing some people. … more
Dear Editor: There is a lot of talk about a shortage of healthcare workers including physicians. I would like to clarify that much of the shortage is intentionally induced by the hospital … more
To the Editor: October marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time when we, as a society, must reflect on the pervasive and insidious nature of domestic violence, and strengthen our … more
Some passages of Amendment 3 don’t come right out and announce attempted approval of an unpopular idea, because this strategy would cause the try to fail. Instead, the intent is accomplished by … more
Spring and summer seem to be battling for dominance over the 7th month of the year. Small groups of cool bright days took us back to May then hot humid day reminds us it is July or is it August. … more
Opinion on race for Sheriff from within the department BELLE — I am not big on social media, it’s such an easy platform to cower down and talk smack about something or someone … more
On August 6, along with voting in party primaries, Missouri voters are being asked to vote on a constitutional amendment to exempt all childcare facilities outside of homes from property taxes. … more
Hello all, I’m sorry it took so long to get this note to you. For the second time in the 19 years we’ve been gathering for Sisters Day we did not meet this month. The first time was … more
In response to the Maries County Advocate Newspaper article titled, “Belle Sergeant’s proposed ordinance sparks Sunshine Law, state statute violation concerns” in last week’s … more
To the Editor: You may be seeing people collecting signatures in our area. This initiative would allow Missouri voters to once again CHANGE our Missouri CONSTITUTION. This means it will be … more
In response to last week’s newspaper article (March 13), “Maries County prosecutor delays filing MSHP probable cause statement against Belle officer”, I would like to provide some … more
To the Editor: I am writing to you today, citizens of Belle, to ask you to take a serious look at the people you are electing to the City of Belle government. Our citizens have grown comfortable … more
My dime at the end of the day I get very frustrated every time I read an article in the Advocate newspaper about the city of Belle’s alleged violations of the Sunshine Laws. Why … more
To the editor: I was saddened to read Wilburn Rowden’s obituary in the Maries County Advocate. Because of my friendship with the Rowden family, I included Wilburn C. Rowden along with … more
Another Sisters Day has come and gone. That’s 2 of 12. One quick question before I begin…there seems to be a fever bug going around Jeff City. I was just wondering if it is going around … more
The February meeting under new business started with a first and second reading to enact a new Ordinance No. 629 — Establishing Public Participation During Board Meetings. It went into … more
For the sake of our city please don’t stop paying attention I have heard a lot of talk about the Belle City Council meeting that happened February 12. Some people are saying that we were … more
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