226 results total, viewing 121 - 140
I have had no outdoor adventures lately. It has been three weeks since I came down with something called RSV, which stands for “respiratory something virus.” It took me two weeks to get … more
Missouri Attorney General race The Missouri Attorney General (AG) serves a four-year term, and is not subject to constitutional term limits. The AG serves as the chief legal officer of the State … more
S ome voters carry the label “single issue voter”  with pride. They base their votes on any candidate according to their stance on a single public policy question while ignoring … more
Many of us celebrated Father’s Day last weekend, whether it was by sharing a meal, having a BBQ, or spending a day on the lake, it was undoubtedly a day well spent. This celebration reminds us … more
A Question from a reader… Is a garfish good to eat? Some say they are. Answer: There are four species of gar in the Midwest but only one is the scourge of Ozark streams. That is the … more
Hello all, I’m sorry it took so long to get this note to you. For the second time in the 19 years we’ve been gathering for Sisters Day we did not meet this month. The first time was … more
The country is $35 trillion in debt and the debt is growing dramatically. The responsibility for this debt lies at the feet of one political party, the Democrats. Thirty years ago Republicans were … more
During the Cold War, most Americans would be alarmed if they discovered their everyday purchases and government-backed retirement funds were financing the Soviet’s military, its strategic … more
The big election is coming in November, but did you know that many of the races are actually decided before the November election? If you wait until November, it will be too late to make a difference … more
Whether you’re watching baseball with your family, a sunset at the lake, or looking forward to the fireworks on the Fourth of July, we’re reminded of the core values that define America: … more
The pool hall was empty except for me and Preacher Lampkin. He had been trying his best to answer my religious-oriented questions. I ‘spect he was in his 60’s and I had turned 14 that … more
L et’s be honest: How many of you love to speak with a computer when you call a big corporation? My bet is zero. Gone are the switchboard operators like Lily Tomlin’s character … more
As standardized student test scores plunge, some school districts are responding by masking student knowledge deficiencies through equity grading, which is little more than grade inflation dressed up … more
Call them crazy, call them insane, call them demented, call them mad, call them deranged, call them Democrats, call them Communists, call them whatever you want, but know and understand that these … more
F or two decades Democrats, like Al Gore, have been scaring children and adults alike that global warming — now climate change — is going to destroy the world.  On Jan. 27, … more
I watched as a mother wood-duck crossed an old road high on a ridge top, closely followed by three ducklings which I am sure had hatched that very day. She was a good quarter-mile from the river, but … more
Just last week, White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, claimed it isn’t The President’s job to secure our Southern Border. If you’re like me, you probably found this claim … more
Congratulations. You made it to your high school graduation. Did you hear about the teens attacking each other in Chicago last week? St Louis? Atlanta? No? I bet you did hear about the shootings at … more
M emorial Day signifies many things. First and foremost, it is a day to recognize those in the military who made the ultimate sacrifice to give us the freedoms we all enjoy. Next, Memorial Day … more
In response to the Maries County Advocate Newspaper article titled, “Belle Sergeant’s proposed ordinance sparks Sunshine Law, state statute violation concerns” in last week’s … more
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