Don’t insult our intelligence


BELLE — Do some of our current city council members try to insult our intelligence? Yes. I think they do. Please read Ordinance Section 110.050 Mayor and Board — Duties. I understand that some of the city business can’t be openly addressed, so make that known. Not all questions from the citizens fall into that category. I feel that all the questions asked at the Jan. 22 council meeting deserved an answer. I am not sure our current council realizes they were voted for or appointed to represent us. In my opinion, Ward 1 aldermen haven’t been interested in my needs for the past several years to present. We come to our council meetings to get answers to our questions, not to hear that the city attorney is instructing you to say something to the effect of “THANKS, NEXT QUESTION.” With that attitude of public service, you can be voted out as quickly as you were voted in or appointed. Just a thought, perhaps we disband the council since they can’t take care of the public issues without the lawyer’s instruction. He could sit in his office and make the same statement to us. The city could save the salaries of the council and he then would turn in his monthly fee. Perhaps we might add a few dollars to the budget or perhaps not. When I see this legal wishy-washy taking place, it makes me wonder what is hidden from the citizens of Belle.

My last thoughts turn to:

1) the firing of our city clerk Frankie with 20 plus years of public service. Why? She resigned a few years ago to work for our school district and then was rehired later as the city clerk, this tells me that her work ethics had to be very good to be rehired to her old position. If what I’m hearing is correct, it is sad when the council did not have the guts to fire her themselves and more sickening is they would not tell her the grounds for her firing. They had to have the lawyer to do it. I am sure he will be sending an invoice for his services. As if the city doesn’t already have a huge fine pending for the lack of not following the state Sunshine Laws.

2) When asked at the Jan. 22 council meeting if Daryl White, Jr., was still paid for his duties as mayor, they stated they would have to check with the city lawyer. Why? They should have been able to look at the approved financial statement for the month and say yes or no. Again, this appears the council is hiding information from the citizens.

3) When asked in the Jan. 22 council meeting if the council was planning on removing Daryl White, Jr., as mayor the answer was, they had not had time to hold a meeting. Food for thought, if they had time to have a meeting to fire Frankie, why didn’t they have time in that meeting to remove the mayor. Another sad note: this is the second time Mayor White has been accused of abusing his mayoral powers. The only difference I see this time, he was able to appoint his buddies as council members to ensure there was not a majority vote to remove him. Perhaps this question needs to be answered by the city attorney. Since he is directing what and how they answer citizens’ concerns.

The smell is getting more potent. Don’t forget the next city council meeting on Feb. 12 at 6:30 p.m. YOU WILL NOT BE ASKED TO SPEAK UNLESS YOU DESIRE. Just show your support for Belle to be a better town than it is now.


Delmar Branson