Former mayor’s case to continue to trial next month

Non-trial solution not imminent

By Roxie Murphy, Assistant Editor
Posted 6/26/24

BELLE — A pretrial conference on June 21 in former Belle mayor Daryl White, Jr., case was held via Webex in Judge William E. Hickle’s virtual courtroom. Neither White nor his attorney …

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Former mayor’s case to continue to trial next month

Non-trial solution not imminent


BELLE — A pretrial conference on June 21 in former Belle mayor Daryl White, Jr., case was held via Webex in Judge William E. Hickle’s virtual courtroom. Neither White nor his attorney were present. However, the Missouri Attorney General’s Associate Attorney Gregory Goodwin informed the judge a pretrial resolution was not imminent.

“Are we expecting Mr. (Thomas J.) Kirsch to be on?” Hickle asked Goodwin as the conference began.

Goodwin said he spoke to Kirsch around 9:45 a.m., about an hour and 15 minutes earlier.

“We’re still set for a jury trial on July 10?” Hickel asked. “Is that still on? I think this was put on at the request of the parties in the event there was some agreed-upon disposition, but as far as you know, the case is continuing to trial. Is that correct?”

Goodwin had expressed hopes of a non-trial resolution during the June 3 court hearing.

“Yes, Sir. We had a conversation. We do not have a non-trial resolution yet for the court. I am not sure we will have one,” Goodwin said. “I was hopeful that we would, but Mr. Kirsch has to talk to his client, which I understand. I think we might need to continue to hold that date.”

Hickle said the trial will remain on the docket for July 10, to be tried in Phelps County, unless the case is disposed of earlier.

Goodwin said he would contact the court if an additional teleconference is needed.

Goodwin filed a Disclosure the same day, notifying the court and White’s attorney of a business record affidavit and invoice from Kimball Midwest, the retail sellers of the black spray paint purchased by the city of Belle.