To the Editor:
I am writing to you today, citizens of Belle, to ask you to take a serious look at the people you are electing to the City of Belle government. Our citizens have grown comfortable putting people in office who are harming our city. We should not let that continue. You deserve answers to your questions to the City Council. You elected them and they are obligated to answer what questions you have about how your city is being run. If you continue to elect corrupt, incompetent people, you are not only discouraging good people from running you are getting bad government in perpetuity. The decisions they make today effect our infrastructure, streets and water system for years to come.
In the past, I have served as your City Administrator, Mayor and Alderman. As part of those responsibilities, it was important to have a working knowledge of city ordinances. It is obvious that your current City Council have not read them or do not choose to follow them. Those ordinances are the cornerstone of our city government.
Another key component of the city is its budget. In the past, we have worked hard to keep within the budget and to, only in the very most emergency situations, tap into savings. As part of transparency, the city is obligated to publish current budget information twice a budget year.
There is only one time proven way to get the city you deserve back, VOTE THE BUMS OUT.
If you continue to put incompetent people on the City Council, you have only yourself to blame if the City of Belle is not a city you love to call home.
Thanks for listening,
Richard L. Huse